I want to share a few triggers or routines. Some are ones that help me and might help you with your prayer life. I believe in prayer. I believe that through prayer God can and does show his power and strength in our lives. He gives help and comfort and direction. So why is it hard to take the time to pray? I’m not sure what the answer is to that question. I know that many of you have ideas and I hope you will share those with me in the comments below. I treasure your comments.
Here is a list of prayer triggers and routines which you may find helpful. Remember that we are better together.
1. Passwords
A friend and I are working on a prayer class for the fall. As we were meeting to discuss this class we found out that we both do this with our passwords.
You may use your passwords for triggers. My work prompts me to change my password frequently. I use my passwords to remind me to pray for special people in my life. So every time I log in I can say a prayer for that person.
At first, it was a little hard trying to think of different things I might want to pray for my loved one. I pray for faith, love for God’s word, wisdom, peace, comfort, specific struggles, success in their work, for God to show himself to them specifically that day, I pray for God’s protection, for God to keep them from the evil one, etc. After a while, I kind of got a little excited when I got to sit down at my computer and bring my loved one before God. Surprise! It did get a little bit easier.
2. Calendar
Calendar reminders write the person you want to pray for on your calendar or set daily cell phone alarms to remind you to pray for a specific person perhaps for a specified time.
3. Jenga Blocks
One of my kid’s Bible classes gave the kids Jenga blocks with a person’s name on it to pray for. I love this. Whenever it surfaces in their room they remember to pray for this person. Or some might possibly put it on their shelves to glance at frequently and pray for that person.
4. Tasks
Tasks that I can use as triggers for prayer.
Ironing. Praying for my husband while ironing his shirts makes the task go so much faster and blesses my husband.
Dishes. Thankfulness for food and running water to wash them in. Remember to pray for the hungry.
Laundry – clothes, washing machine.
Buying groceries.
5. Develop the habit of praying with your daily schedule.
Upon rising pray. At lunchtime pray. Dinner prayer of thankfulness for the day we have had and the food we have regularly before us. Bedtime prayers are when my husband and I pray for our children.
6. Memory
Do you occasionally have someone come to mind that you have not thought about it for a long time? Perhaps a childhood friend? A relative? I have had this happen a lot through the years and I try to pray for these people. No, I have no idea what is going on in their lives but I lift them in prayer. Maybe it is someone who has passed from this life, then I thank God for the influence and blessing they were in my life.
7. Emails
Smyrna Church of Christ sends out Emails – reminders to pray for those with health concerns or loss of loved ones, etc.
8. When someone is struggling and asks you to pray.
Pray right then with them. When someone is sick or ask they ask me to pray for them. Pray right then or you might forget.
9. Facebook
Facebook can give us a reminder to pray. When you get angry at something you see, pray, when you see your friends baby growing pray for that child to continue to grow strong and healthy and to grow up to know God. When they lose jobs, family members, etc. Pray. When something wonderful happens to your friend, rejoice with them.
10. Have a Daily Commute?
Pray yourself to work instead of shouting at bad drivers. Pray yourself home and leave the day’s struggles with God so that you can go home and enjoy your loved ones. Listening to an audio of the Bible and also praise music lifts and feeds the spirit.
11. Salvation Bracelets – Made of colorful beads
Black- my sin
Red – the blood of Christ
Blue-baptism washes my sins away
knot- no separation
Gold-eternal life
12. Other jewelry pieces
Other jewelry pieces may also be reminders of things we would like to pray about. Tree of Life necklace might remind you to ask God to keep you on the path to heaven.
13. Gifts
I have friends who have “the gift” of gift-giving. I wish I was better about this myself so I really appreciate those who have it.
Use those gifts as reminders to pray for the special people in your life. Thank God for those special friends.
Gifts that I have done this with…
makeup eraser
towel sets
dishes (Betty bowls)
14. Shoes
When you are putting on your shoes remember you are saved to serve. Ask God to help you be a light where-ever you are planted.
15. My faults
When I feel impatient with someone I can use that opportunity to pray about my own faults. We all have them.
16. Struggling with someone in your life. Try praying for them.
I hope that you find these prayer triggers and routines helpful in your life.
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