Growing Creative Children

Are you surrounded by geniuses? If you look for the genius in your child you will find it. Children are creative, gifted, and geniuses! Cultivate what is naturally growing in your child.

Dwell on their strengths. Encourage and build up their weaknesses but don’t spend all of your time or focus on the weakness instead of their strengths. Give them some time to devote to the things they love, the things they naturally and joyfully pursue. If they have not discovered a direction give them time to pursue a variety of things. Introduce them to various experiences especially with God’s creation. Whether it is learning higher math, building catapults, rebuilding mini bike engines, building rafts, hunting, making gaga arenas, jumping ramps (or cars) on roller blades or bikes, drawing, painting, starting their own businesses, taking care of chickens, starting a band, playing football and learning all the stats, perfecting the budget, baking, or designing clothes your child has a gift! The list goes on and on.

As a mother have you ever felt like you just needed to create something? Something tangible? Or the need to feel like you have truly accomplished something visible? Even though there are so many things that you need to do and are pressing in on you, you still have this need to be creative. You get overwhelmed because there are so many things which you need to do but inwardly you have one thing you really want to pursue. If you let yourself create you have probably found a feeling of great peace and strength and joy. You may find more energy to take care of the other needed things in your life too.

Homeschool families are especially blessed to get to see the gifts in their children and watch as they blossom and grow. Parents have hours to see their children grow and struggle with their strengths and weaknesses. Not only do they get to spend an amazing amount of time living and growing with their children but the children have hours to discover their gifts and put them to use. That’s if we let them. Whether you are a homeschooling family or not I would suggest that you avoid the temptation to fill up all of your children’s free time for them. Give them time and space and watch what happens. Maybe you don’t have much time during the school year but you can plan chunks of time during school breaks and especially the summer for creativity. Remember lazy days of summer?

My best planning efforts have never produced the natural excitement of a child with a new idea. One of the best gifts our children can receive is time to devote to the things they delight themselves in exploring. Most people think of boredom in a negative way. I believe it can be a positive thing for your child. Let your children be bored. Don’t rescue them. Let them come up with some ideas. Some amazing things come from boredom and from having to come up with your own source of entertainment.

Today take some time to breathe, to create, and to let your children grow! Your geniuses will amaze you with their creativity!


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