What’s Happening?

So much has been going on that I have been a bit overwhelmed with how to share it all!  I will share a couple of things to update you a bit.


As many of you know my husband and I made a trip last year to Malawi. We spent two weeks meeting fellow Christians in several different districts. We taught hundreds in churches and prisons. I am changed forever by this trip.

These people have our heart in an amazing way. We are in contact with them or involved with the work every day! We are praying, encouraging, grading lessons, writing new lessons, speaking with interested people who want to share in this work, planning the work as well as preparing for our next journey this year. (Lord be willing).

There are so many needs and so many ways to get involved in this work. If you would like to have us come share our presentation with you or your church, or  are interested in joining our mailing list for Malawi or getting involved in helping the people of Malawi then reply below or send me an email to redaredding@gmail.com. I can’t wait to share with you!

Baking for Profit

Several years ago I published a small ebook called Baking for Profit. I made extra money while being a stay at home mom using my baking skills. I wrote this small book back in 2007 which includes how I got started doing this as well as exact recipes I used, how I found customers, etc. I want to share that this has recently it has been released on Kindle edition on Amazon!  So if you know anyone who would be interested in this please pass along my information. Or if you just want my recipes help yourself!


Hope to share more later! Happy Spring!


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