Campaigns Northwest – Part 1

In 1979 I had my first adventure to the Northwestern part of the United States. I traveled by car with a group of college students from Freed-Hardeman College and Harding University and the Obert Henderson family who had started Campaigns Northwest. The idea was to bring Christian college students to work with small churches in the Northwest for their summer break. Students who might want to settle there eventually and strengthen these Christians and churches. Many students brought their own cars. So we loaded up and No we didn’t head to Beverly but we headed to the Northwest. Obert arranged for us to be hosted by churches along the way who would house us for one night and feed us dinner that night, and breakfast the next morning and pack a sack lunch for us.  (Years later I would realize what a HUGE undertaking this was). There were about 50 students if my memory serves me correctly. The plan was to go to three congregations for about 3 weeks each. We also had a training session on the trip out while staying at a camp in the Colorado Rockies. Mid-Point we met up at  Camp Yamhill in Yamhill, Oregon.  (Is there a more glorious place?) Many experiences from this trip are seared into my mind. This trip and group of people as well as those we met probably impacted my faith and life more than any single event I experienced in my young life. I would be forever changed. I did not know this at the time.


2 Replies to “Campaigns Northwest – Part 1”

  1. That would be hard to coordinate now with the internet…can you imagine how challenging it was in the 70’s!

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