Sun Tea and One Time Meetings

Making Sun Tea is just fun!

My first experience with sun tea was in college while I was on Campaigns Northwest, 1979. We stopped in Ontario, Oregon just over the eastern Oregon border for the night and church the next morning. As was our custom we stayed all night with host families from the church of Christ. I stayed with a family in Vale, Oregon on their ranch. The house had many windows facing out over the land and on the deck railing sat a gallon jar of sun tea. They were a sweet family. I enjoyed seeing their land and seeing them work the cattle, and just getting to know them a bit. This was just a one night stop yet they hosted a stranger for the night and treated her like family.  So never underestimate the impact of one time meetings. Memories of those meetings may well follow you through your life and to eternity.

I am in the sunny south and I must tell you it is iced tea drinking time! Mid 90’s today.  It is very simple to make and may seem funny for me to give instructions. Regardless,  I will share how I make sun tea.

To make a gallon of sun tea you will need:

1-gallon glass jar with lid

1-gallon cold water

2-3 quart size or 6-8 regular tea bags

Fill your gallon glass jar with cold pure water. Add 2-3 quart size tea bags (depending on how strong you like your tea) We like 3  the best. Place the lid on the jar and set it in the sun to brew. Depending on your season, temperature, and the direction of the sun it may take 1-5 hours. Mine was ready in an hour or so. However, I live in the sunny south and it is summer! After your tea is ready you may sweeten it with honey,  sugar or any sweetener of your choice.


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