Season of Prayer

I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer lately and praying a lot too. My daughter and I were talking about how it seems we are in a season of prayer. Sometimes we are in a season of activity or action. Making things right, fixing things. But not this time. It seems as if my world has slowed down and God says pray.

Are you in a season of prayer?

I have friends in deep need, struggling with life-threatening situations which I long to know how to pray for. So, struggle on in my praying for them. Unsure how to even pray, what to pray. Lord teach me to pray. A friend around the world is in need of immediate medical attention. I cannot fix the problem, get medical attention for him, or get the government to give him a Visa. So I pray. Such impotent prayers it seems. Such impossible situations.

I pray for my dear husband who has struggled the last few years with an autoimmune disease which steals his strength and energy. I can’t fix it. Watching my children struggle with life’s struggles that we all deal with. I want to make it easier for them but I know I cannot. They must walk this journey with God themselves. I pray.

I recently had surgery. I’m to sit and do nothing for 2-3 weeks. What am I to do? I made myself a little stash of things to read and little needlework crafts to do. Of course, I had hoped to do more writing and revamp my website and publish my little baking book on Kindle. But I feel unmotivated and lack the energy to pursue. I feel so unproductive.

Righting the wrongs in the world.

I want to repair and right the things in our world that seem so wrong. Yet I know it is impossible. I pray. Only God has the power. We do our little part to love and fix the things we can in our little corner of the world, as God would want us to and pray and ask God to make the difference.

Season of Prayer
Season of Prayer

Most of the time prayer seems so little when in reality it is probably the biggest and best thing we can do for those we love. This season of prayer is part of the faith journey. Trusting God to do what God does best. Trusting God to love even more than I can possibly imagine and to be at work in these situations even when I cannot see what he is doing.

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