My New Adventure Begins

New Things

So my new adventure begins. I didn’t really plan to have this adventure. So how did I embark on it? It all started with being cold. As many of you know I am very cold natured. Yes, I am using my heater by my desk even in June in Tennessee. Confession time, I don’t really like air conditioning. It is 88° in Antioch, Tn this morning. So, the outside temperature is not the problem. When I go outside in the summer I am hot. When I come inside I am cold. In the winter I have the opposite problem. So you see, I really don’t like being hot or cold. I bundle up in the house to please the rest of my family who is always hot. If I am going someplace where there will be air conditioning I almost always take an overshirt or jacket.

How Did My Adventure Begin?

Anyway, back to my story. In February I was getting ready for my day with my little heater running in my bathroom. I got a little too close and tripped over it and landed in my bathtub. I know this is too much information but this is how I embarked on my new adventure. This really took me by surprise. I ended up with a little bruise and iced it for a bit but it didn’t improve so I called my physician and went in for his opinion. He said to use heat and ibuprofen. I did that for a few weeks and still no improvement. Two months later it is getting worse and actually starting to interfere with my life a bit, especially my sleep.

So I go back to the doctor and he ordered an MRI. I have had the blessing of a long healthy life so I didn’t know what I was getting into. I was actually excited about getting to the root of the problem until the put me on the table and laid a weighted cage on me and put earplugs in my ears. And I knew that there was no way I could go in that tube. Thankfully, the tech realized it too, and gave me the option to try the open MRI machine. I did much better with it. Not great but better. He was very understanding and I greatly appreciated his attitude.

How did I survive the MRI?

Prayer first, plus I knew I had a praying sister nearby that I could call. (she works there). Next, I closed my eyes before going under the machine. Then I started going through all of my memory verses. This is good on many levels. Scriptures give me comfort and remind me of God’s promises, and then I started to go through the memories of all my births. I know this seems a strange thing to do but it actually makes sense. I recently completed my doula training and thought this would help me to remember what helped me the most. Plus this kept my mind on good things. During the test, the tech would update me on how many scans were completed so that I knew there would be an end to it. This helped a lot!

Four Months Later

After four months I realized this situation was not getting better. I made the suggested visit to the Orthopedist that had treated James when he broke his ankle. He was very good with James so that made sense to me to go with him. He read my MRI results and gave me the good news that I would not need surgery. He suggested I visit the Physical Therapist and get some exercises to help.

After my visit to the Physical Therapist and setting a plan, I am feeling very hopeful that I will be back to normal in a couple of months. By the way, it was fun to make a connection with my PT. He used to go to church with my older sons and he knew James through his journey with his broken ankle.

So now you know all about my new adventure.

Here’s what I’m going to be doing for a while.

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