Malawi Journal – Day 22 Surprise Visitors

Surprise Visitors

March 1 must be the day for visitors. This morning three young moms with babies on their backs show up to visit me. They do not speak very much English but one understands more than she can speak so she translates for the other two. I find out they are all three sisters. Roma is the neighbor lady who has a new baby. Eliz and Khrissy are her two sisters.

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Banda sisters. Moms and babies

Hygiene Bags

I had given Roma a much-needed hygiene bag since she had just had her baby. She brought her sisters wanting to know if I could give them one too. I had 3 bags left. I explained this is all I have. They were very happy to have them. I am keeping the final one because we are having a class to make them by hand. They want to do the class too. We chatted mostly about their babies and I held one for awhile. These sweet young moms have my heart for sure. Three smiling moms went home with necessities thanks to some sweet Smyrna Church of Christ ladies.

Mzimba Vocational School

Our next visitors were from the Mzimba Vocational School. The director and teachers came to greet us and tell us about the school. This school was started by Sunset School of Preaching as a counterpart to the Mzimba School of Preaching. They have a five year plan to get self supporting.

There are 10 students per year. They are training ministers and church leaders to be able to make a living as they preach and serve.  Their courses include: Farming God’s Way, Mentorship/Leadership that replicates that others may follow. This include conflict resolution and counseling. They train some women to teach women in the area churches. Pig and poultry farming are taught as well as marketing. Students are sponsored for the one year term.

We had a nice visit and they asked for ideas of additional subjects they might teach. They left with an invitation for us to come and visit. They gave Esther the assignment to remind us.

We had some heavy rains again this afternoon. We fill all our buckets and tubs when it rains! Free and easy water!

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Malawi Journal
Rain Water

Mbwenu and Wanangwa brought two huge cabbages! These are probably the largest I have ever seen. We have talked with them about saurkraut. So we are going to try to make some soon.

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One HUGE cabbage

It has been fun to try new foods here too and to introduce them to new ideas too. We have made cucumbers and onions in vinegar, fried green tomatoes, no bake cookies,mashed potatoes and gravy, fried eggplant, and we’ve made fried egg and tomatoe sandwiches for a quick dinner. And now we are going to make saurkraut soon. I will let you know how that turns out.

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