Malawi Journal – Day 57 Next to Last Night in Tombolombo

This morning Gabriel picked us up to take us shopping. He frequently drives as a transport for others. He has a nice little car which I learned he paid for with the funds from his maize field. A profitable field! He ordered the car from Japan in December and it arrived about a month later. Not many own a car but this is the usual way of purchasing a car.

The original plan was to go to the schools today and give away some school supplies to the teachers and classes. The primary school is on strike again. They did not get paid during the shutdown with Covid. So they are on strike. With the exception of the class due to take annual testing. They can still go to school.

We decided we would not cancel our transport but go ahead and do some shopping. Our first stop was Manyamula to check with the printer about some replacement copies and to exchange a mini soccer ball that would not inflate. There were many people waiting in Manyamula for transport to Mzimba. We had an extra seat so we gave our okay for him to take on another passenger. He was a little concerned about how we would feel about it.

Malawi journal
Transport – Typical sight

So we had a pleasant trip to Mzimba for shopping. I made several stops to pick up printer paper, oil, water, and rice. I also went to my favorite store Hesams for beef and chicken. The printer is still working on our copies and has taken the printer to his house to get more done. We will get the copies later or he will send them with someone coming to Tombolombo. We headed for home. I thanked Gabriel and paid him 10,000 K for helping us shop.

Malawi journal
My favorite meat store
Malawi journal
Shopping at Big Mart

In the afternoon I decided I should have bought snacks for the sewing workshop. Raphael agreed to take me by motorcycle to Manyamula. This time he was not near as slow and easy as our first trip but we made it in good condition. I purchased some small bags so that our sewing group could sort buttons and have them ready for the clothes they were making. I also got 12 packages of cookies before we headed to the house.

Isaiah has come to the house twice today. Once this morning and again in the evening. This is no easy task as he lives several kilometers away. His study group is working hard to complete their courses before we leave Malawi.

Our friend and neighbor Cadamanja stopped by to drop off Wanangwa and say hello! It’s always nice to see him. He is so friendly and loves the work we are doing here.

I am still doing last-minute packing and sorting. This is our next to last night in Tombolombo. In two days we say goodbye and head to Lilongwe.

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