Easy Bread Baking

Easy bread baking
Easy Bread Baking 6-3-3-13

This is a reprint from Redding Mountain on February 6, 2009.

I have found a wonderful recipe for easy bread baking. I found the article on Mother Earth News Website. It has a great article about making bread. It is so easy you do not even have to write the recipe down. Also, the authors have written a book called Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I have ordered it from my library. If it is as good as I think it is I will order from Amazon.

6 cups of warm water 100°
3 Tablespoons salt
3 Tablespoons yeast
13 cups flour (I use a mixture of fresh ground wheat and white)

The cool thing is that you mix it up and let it rise and then punch down and refrigerate in a covered container. When you get ready to bake bread you slice or pull off a chunk and shape it with floured hands and let it rise on baking stone or sheet for about 40 plus minutes and then bake it. 450° for 30 minutes. The original recipe called for a pan of water in the oven while you bake it. I tried that which produces a chewy crust which I love. My husband also liked it best. The children, however, liked the version without the water which produces a little softer crust. Either way, it is yummy bread and very easy to do. Also, there is no kneading. So, remember 6 -3-3-13 and you’ve got great bread where ever you are. Enjoy! and let me know your results.

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