Daily Walk – Reading Your Bible

For this year I am switching from the NIV Bible I have used for many years. I decided to read the NKJV for a fresher look at the scriptures. Sometimes it helps me to see the scripture in a different light when I read it in different versions.

There are so many reading plans now! I haven’t settled on a plan yet though in 2023 I want to read through the entire Bible. The important thing is to get started! Read something from the Bible each day! Your life will be better!

Have a reading plan you love? Share it in the comments.

Daily Walk 2011

This year I have decided to use the Daily Walk Bible for my quiet time. This last year I really had a hard time keeping my focus on staying in the word. I have ALWAYS received a great benefit from much time spent in the word. I am amazed at how timely God’s word is to my life and situations. Somehow I let myself be distracted from this way too much in 2010.

In the front of this Bible I found an article. Here are some of the highlights.

Seven Benefits from Reading Your Bible

All seven are taken from Psalm 119.

1. The Bible will help keep you from sin. verse 11

2. The Bible will lift your burdens. verse 28

3. The Bible will guide your steps. verse 105

4. The Bible will bring you joy. verse 111

5. The Bible will lead you to wisdom. verse 130

6. The Bible will give you peace. verse 165

7. The Bible will bring you back to God. verse 176

Reading my Bible:

1. makes me a calmer, happier wife and mother.

2. helps me deal more appropriately with the daily trials and temptations which come my way.

3. gives me a rich supply to share from with those who need help and hope in this world.

This year I am focusing on the word for myself and the benefit I will receive from spending time with God. Reading the word alone is not enough but it is a start. I need the word daily and I need a closer relationship with God. This is a desire I am sure God will honor. I am sure he will help me apply the word and grow from it if I am willing.

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