Decorating Graham Cracker Houses
Many people make gingerbread houses this time of year and I think it’s a wonderful tradition. I love the smell of gingerbread. I do not make the gingerbread houses though.
Since the 1990’s I have made little graham cracker houses with my kids at Christmas time. I think my mom gave me the idea to do these. I make the houses and have them decorate them with candies. My daughter in law calls these candy houses. We still continue to do this though they are grown.
For the Houses
I buy the rectangular graham crackers. Make sure you do not get the stacks. Some brands are better for this than others. This year the Walmart Great Value brand has been the best. They are not as fragile. It had less broken crackers to start with and not a single one broke during the construction. And they are less expensive.
The Honey Maid graham crackers are much thinner. Whole packages were already broken before the box was opened. They were a bit frustrating to work with.
A regular size box of graham crackers will usually make 3 houses if none break.
HINT: I use the broken graham crackers for crumbs, which I can use to make peanut butter balls or graham cracker crusts.
Put Your House On Cake Boards or Cardboard Squares Covered with Foil
Prepare your boards for the houses. I use cake boards or cardboard covered with foil. You can decide what size you want to use. This year I used 12 inch diameter cake boards. Sometimes I use squares or rectangles. Some of the kids like to do elaborate “yards” so they like having some space to decorate outside the house.
Frosting Recipe:
The royal frosting or “glue” only takes three ingredients.
Meringue powder, powdered sugar, and water.
I use Wilton’s recipe.
4 cups of powdered sugar
3 Tablespoons meringue powder
5 Tablespoons warm warm
Add all of these to the mixer bowl. I use my Kitchen Aid. Beat on low for 7-10 minutes. If it is too thick add a Tablespoon of warm water. This is the consistency I use for the houses.

After this is made I cover it with a damp towel until I am ready to use it. It will get crusty and crunchy if you leave it uncovered. Covering it with plastic wrap may work too.
Assembling the Houses
To make the houses you need 8 whole graham crackers for each house.

I use a serrated knife to gently saw the ends of the houses. Don’t press too hard or you will break the cracker. Gently keep it from moving while you saw. If you look in the photo you will see that I have made a line from the edge of the middle horizontal line to the top of the vertical line .
I cut one set at a time. When you are done cutting a set you are ready to assemble.
Fill your decorator bag with frosting. Decide where to position the house on the board. Also whether you want the ends joined to theĀ inside of the walls or outside.
Squeeze a line of frosting the length of the graham cracker. Place one graham cracker standing up. This year I put the ends on the outside so I put frosting on the cut triangle piece and added it to the first wall. Next I added the other wall and finally the second triangle piece.
The Roof
When this is done you will need a roof. Since the walls are on the inside the roof can be a little tricky. I let the house set for a minute and then I add a line of frosting to the inside of the triangle on each end and a line of frosting to the top of the wall. I gently add the first half of the roof. You may need to gently press the house to get the walls adhered or straightened. If one is tipped out a bit you can slide a knife down from the roof and gently slide it into position.
Next repeat for the second half of the roof. Gently press the tops to try to make them meet. If there is a gap at the top add a line of frosting to each side and add a squiggle of snow to cover the gap. If you have a problem it can be fixed.
I’m sorry I didn’t take any photos of the assembly process.
Each little house will be different. These are not for magazine or instagram photos. These are for happy kids, making memories, and spending time together. I hope you have a great time making messes and memories with the kids in your life!
Other Ideas
I have done these with senior centers and libraries. I make up all the little houses and the seniors invite the kids in their lives to bring candy and decorate the house. For the libraries the kids sign up for the program and the library provides the materials. Great Fun!