Campaigns Northwest – Part 1

In 1979 I had my first adventure to the Northwestern part of the United States. I traveled by car with a group of college students from Freed-Hardeman College and Harding University and the Obert Henderson family who had started Campaigns Northwest. The idea was to bring Christian college students to work with small churches in the Northwest for their summer break. Students who might want to settle there eventually and strengthen these Christians and churches. Many students brought their own cars. So we loaded up and No we didn’t head to Beverly but we headed to the Northwest. Obert arranged for us to be hosted by churches along the way who would house us for one night and feed us dinner that night, and breakfast the next morning and pack a sack lunch for us.  (Years later I would realize what a HUGE undertaking this was). There were about 50 students if my memory serves me correctly. The plan was to go to three congregations for about 3 weeks each. We also had a training session on the trip out while staying at a camp in the Colorado Rockies. Mid-Point we met up at  Camp Yamhill in Yamhill, Oregon.  (Is there a more glorious place?) Many experiences from this trip are seared into my mind. This trip and group of people as well as those we met probably impacted my faith and life more than any single event I experienced in my young life. I would be forever changed. I did not know this at the time.


Making Kombucha

Cultured Beverages by our teacher Ann Green
Class time
My kombucha

Tonight I took a class in making kombucha, beet kvass, and ginger beer! It was really interesting, informative, and so simple. I am excited to have my first scoby ( an acronym for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) and my first batch of kombucha fermenting. We had an education portion, sampling, and making our own kombucha start to take home. I will update down the road and let you know how this adventure progresses.

Up, Up, and Away!

This year seems to be the year for “adventure birthday gifts”. Gabriel received the gift of hang gliding and Lawrence hot air ballooning. Lawrence’s birthday was in April so it took awhile before we could get set to go Up, Up, and Away!

We had the option of a sunrise or sunset ride. We chose the sunrise and I am so glad we did. For one thing, it is cooler and the peace of morning with mist rising from the hills permeates your being! We arrived just before 5 a.m. at the designated meet up spot in Franklin, TN. to board the van.  We met Tina and Logan the owners of Middle Tennessee Hot Air Adventures. ( By the way, they are new parents of a sweet little boy! I’m so excited for that adventure for them! There were four couples who were taking this trip together. It was everyone’s first flight!

We could hear cows mooing, see deer racing across fields, and some predators chasing them. We enjoyed the beautiful landscape but also enjoyed seeing some homes from the sky with swimming pools as large as houses! We saw people enjoying their morning walks and stopping to wave at us. Doesn’t everyone just enjoy seeing hot air balloons in flight?

I had anticipated being a bit nervous about the flight because I am usually afraid of heights. I had not a moment of concern. Our flight was an hour in air time. It was a beautiful, smooth, and peaceful ride and landing! I hope to take a future flight. I loved it!


Tina and Logan owners of Middle Tennessee Hot Air Adventures. RR
Just before our flight.
In the basket getting ready for lift off!
Filling the envelope. The balloons diameter is 75 feet. RR


Can you see the gas going in? RR
And we have a lift off!
Our shadow just before landing! RR
And we have landed!

It was a wonderful experience!

Credit for the photos goes to Middle Tennessee Hot Air Adventures.  A few I took (RR) but the really cool ones came on the thumb drive we purchased at the end of the flight.