Day 33
Today I cleaned my room and set up the new shelf for our World Bible School materials. We ate our breakfast and gathered things to take to the nursery school.
World Bible School Meeting
Lawrence had his weekly meeting with the World Bible School workers this morning. They discuss how their work is going. They turn in completed lessons and Lawrence gives them each their stack of graded lessons.
One of our problems with our work is running out of lessons. We brought a suitcase full with us and we have ordered some from Zomba. Now Zomba office is also running out of lessons.

Nursery School
Mbwenu and Wanangwa drop us off at the nursery school which uses the Tombolombo church building Monday – Friday from 8-11. The main purpose of a nursery school in Malawi is to introduce them to English. This is very important since most of their schooling will be in English. This gives them a head start. I give them each a coloring sheet and crayons to color their pictures. The teacher only wants us to give sheets to those who know how to color. Esther and I decided to trace their hands on the back of the paper. They have fun with this.

I have number cards for the teacher which are different colors. I go through the numbers and colors with the kids. Then the teacher has the children recite for us. They each say good morning. She takes them through a variety of things she has taught them. We give them each a bag of snacks. One little boy tries to escape so I ask the teacher if that is ok. She says “weewee”. So then everyone wants to go “weewee”. Some things are the same no matter where you are. All of the kids go out and pee in the yard.
A Baptism
Our car is back earlier than we expected. We say our goodbyes and head to the car. I am surprised that Wanangwa came back she was worried that we did not have enough food at the house to cook so she brought cabbage and tomatoes. She tells us there will be a baptism. Chiwemwe, the tailor! I saw some of the preacher guys talking with him when we left. He lives next door. We talk with him every day.

Our Car is Stuck
We go back to the house and pick up Lawrence and some of the guys and go to baptize Chiwemwe. After the baptism, our car sinks the front tire in mud. It takes a lot of time and work to free the car. The guys cut down trees, lift the car, and we all push. Another guy stops by and helps us push the car. We pop the bumper guard out. Eventually, the car is free.

Tuna Salad
We are behind schedule to go to the hospital. Wanangwa is worried about lunch. I tell her I can fix lunch. I quickly make tuna salad sandwiches and tomato slices, which is a new thing for them. They leave for the hospital.
Coloring – Shading
I gave the kids some sheets to color today. They call coloring, shading. Everyone loves to color young and old.
Car Trouble
I get a message the car has broken down again and I know they will be late. Rose’s son has malaria which probably caused the fall which dislocated his arm.
Mom Scares
Esther and one of the neighbor girls took a walk. She forgot to tell me she was going anywhere. I know they are in the area so I try to stay calm but I definitely am not happy. It’s getting dark and I have no idea which direction they have gone. I check to see if she took her phone and it is on the charger. Soon she is back and I have a little talk with her.
We finish supper preparations. Lawrence and Esther get the fish ready to cook. Fish are bought whole here and are not cleaned and gutted. They are frozen just as they come from the water. I cook cabbage and rice. Just as they are finished with the fish Wanangwa comes home and she and Esther finish the fish. Soon Mbwenu comes home with our friend Bless. The car is still not working.