Have you ever heard of a cotton clothesline basket? A friend of mine, Lee gifted me with this lovely cotton basket! I was thrilled and couldn’t imagine how to make such a thing. I was very happy when Lee agreed to teach me how! She’s pretty nice like that and I am not the first pupil she has had.
Basketmaking Lessons
On Monday Lee invited me to lunch at her house. It is always a treat to spend time with her and this was no exception. Her husband has built her a sweet little bright room just off from her kitchen. A sweet little sign hangs in this bright cheery room. “She Shed”. We enjoyed our lunch there. Her house is set in trees and has a beautiful canopy all around. It was a lovely and peaceful setting.
Finding Cotton Clothesline
She told me to bring a bundle of cotton clothesline. This proved harder than I imagined. The polyester clothesline is more readily available in my community than the cotton. I found two places at last. Our local Kroger’s has it on the automotive aisle! Home Depot also carries it in our Antioch, Tn store on aisle 12.
Making the Basket
I was very slow at first well actually the whole time. The process was easy to understand. There were some thread problems and a few missed spots along the way. But I got the hang of it and I think maybe I will be a little bit faster and a little better at it next time.
I wanted to attempt to make an all-cotton one and see if it might work as a proofing basket for my sourdough bread. Soon I shall know the answer if I can bear to use it for my bread.
I love the natural look of the rope. My project turned out great! I can’t wait to make another one.
Here is a picture of my finished project. Let me know what you think!
My first cotton clothesline basket