Preparing For Your First Pregnancy or Birth

Baby bump
Baby bump
Preparing for your first pregnancy?

Have you always wanted to have a baby? I always wanted to be a mom but I never gave thought about what the actual pregnancy and birth of my baby would be like. Today I want to give you some suggestions for preparing for your first pregnancy or birth.

There are many things that I have learned along the way about pregnancy and childbirth. Some things I learned by studying and some by experience. Things that I would like to share which may help you too!

As my girls are reaching childbearing age and starting families of their own I have had the opportunity to share ideas on a new level and see what current birth practices in America are like. Doing mission work in Malawi gave me a glimpse into birth practices outside of the United States. Though my babies have grown up I find myself drawn to pregnant moms and babies! I am even trained to be a doula. Need a doula?

Are you ready to have a  baby?

Babies come into the world totally dependent on you the parents. Having a baby will change your whole life. It did mine. Is your husband ready to become a dad? It is helpful if you both agree on this new adventure. Your baby needs both parents.

Don’t worry if you are already pregnant and didn’t think much about this beforehand. Most of us don’t. Get busy learning now. Babies are a blessing and you will learn how to care for yourself and your baby. Don’t be afraid to ask people questions and seek out other moms. If you aren’t already you will soon fall in love with your sweet package before he ever makes his appearance.

New dad
New dad
Healthy Mom | Healthy Baby

If you want to give birth to a healthy baby then make sure you have healthy habits. Do you want your baby to smoke? No! Then you must not. You should eat a healthy diet, and avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Are there other unhealthy habits you have developed? Pay attention to your health and the health of your baby. Healthy habits will help you avoid many complications of pregnancy and delivery. And your baby will be healthier too! Study and ask questions about what makes a healthy mom.

Childbirth is a natural thing.

Childbirth is a natural process, not an illness or medical procedure. Approaching birth in that way may help alleviate any fears you have. This is the way you were designed. Your body was made to give birth. Still, you need to study and learn about childbirth. Ask questions. Seek answers even when you have to dig for them.

Read Books

I want to encourage you to read books! There are many great books out there on Pregnancy and Childbirth. My very favorite is Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. She is considered one of the most knowledgeable midwives and is known worldwide for birth practices. There are many others to be found at your local library as well as your favorite online or neighborhood bookstore.

Know the Statistics

Have you ever thought about why people have C-sections? Why they have a natural childbirth? Epidurals? Inductions? Do you have questions about due dates, eye drops, vitamin K? Why do some women have more trouble with childbirth while others have no complications? There are several reputable places to find out the information you need to make an educated decision. I was thrilled to find Evidenced Based Birth.  Their goal is to, “put accurate, evidence-based info into the hands of families just like yours, so that you can make informed, empowered choices and have the positive birth you deserve!”

Childbirth Classes

Take childbirth classes, you will be glad you did. Even if you think you do not have time for them they will help you prepare for birth. You will learn relaxation and other techniques to help you cope with labor and have a great birth. Most classes have you make a birth plan so that you and your provider know what is important to you during your labor and delivery. This is important to think about before you go into labor.

Choosing a Provider – Midwife, Family Doctor, OB-GYN

I want to encourage you to study childbirth just like you would study about any new thing you are about to do like driving a car or teaching. Study your choices of providers. For many years most babies were delivered by the local women or midwives at home long before there was an official profession. Family doctors have a long history of delivering babies too. Ob-Gyn’s came on the scene in the later 1800s. You have choices.

Remember when you choose a health care provider that they are there to serve you. You are a consumer and you are paying them for services.  They are there to answer your questions and assist you with a healthy pregnancy and birth. This process will help you to choose the best option for you and your baby. Do your homework. It really does improve your chances of having a great birth experience.

I hope this has given you a few things to think about as you prepare to have your first baby.

If you have any questions please email me at or comment below. Or if you just want to talk about babies and birth. One of my sons is fond of saying all conversations end in childbirth.

New family!
New family!


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