Morning or Evening Person, Which Are You?

Isn’t this a funny question? So am I a morning or evening person? I find this is more of a question of sleep patterns. When do I sleep best?

Every test I read to determine whether I am a  morning or evening person deals with my sleep patterns and energy levels during the day. That’s probably a good measure. Some studies suggest that morning people are happier than evening people. When most of the world is on your schedule you would probably be happier too.


As a child, I could sleep deeply through anything (rain, storms, morning wake-up calls, fights, etc.). I could also stay up late reading the last few pages of a captivating book. I never remember having a bedtime. I do remember being sleepy in school.

My natural tendency is to go to bed early and rise early. I am thankful that I have a lot of energy and can be flexible with sleep and other things too. When I wake up early, I feel excited about a new day. I have a lot more energy in the mornings and get a lot done. Yesterday, I woke with a lot of energy, and by noon I had accomplished a long list of things and hit 10,000 steps!


After the birth of my first child, Micah, I was never going to sleep the same again. Yes, Daniel Redding, all conversations lead to childbirth. Even when you sleep, there is a heightened awareness of sounds. After having 11 children in 22 years, I learned to survive on a few hours of sleep. When my children became teenagers, I couldn’t sleep until I knew they were safely home. I was up early with babies and late with teens. I treasured our late-night chats. In the 1990s, when I was pregnant every year, if I was a morning person or an evening person, I don’t know. I was surviving.


In 2014 I went to work after 35 years of raising children. My early schedule meant another change in my sleep patterns. I could function at work on 6 hours of sleep for a day or two, but I usually needed at least 7 hours of sleep. I loved the early schedule.

Empty Nest

Now if I wake up in the night, it is not to the sounds of a baby crying, but it might still be my children or friends in different time zones. Or I might awake thinking about one of my children. I use this awake time to pray for my children just as I did when I was rocking and nursing them back to sleep long ago.

I am an adult now. I can sleep whenever I want to!

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