Milala Visit 2019
In September of 2019, we visited Milala as a possible sight for our Rutherford County Walk for Water Well. Our son Gabriel made a wonderful video of the community, the people, and the source of water. We carried their story home with us and shared it with many of you.
Milala 2021
Yes, their dream of a close water source became a reality in 2019 and an Agriculture workshop too! Thank you Healing Hands International, Smyrna Church of Christ and the Rutherford County Walk for Water 2019 for providing this well to the Milala community!
When we arrive we are greeted by many villagers. We gather in the building and hear speeches of welcome and then the history. Elders of the village and local officials are hear to show appreciation for this life-changing gift and to share the it’s impact.
Ruth Orr
The leaders tell the story of Ruth Orr coming to visit. When Ruth came the church was meeting under a tree. Ruth helped them with the funds to build a church building. We met the man who donated the property. They spoke with heartfelt thanks for the gifts they have been given. These gifts improve their community, their health, and their lives.

They take us to the well. It is so rewarding to visit and see the well first hand and gardens. As we hear their stories of how improved their lives are and how thankful they are, we rejoice with them. This is our first time to have met the people who received a well we helped raise money for!

The Agriculture workshop gave them new skills to improve their crop yields and therefore improve their lives. They were able to use money from their first crop to help the church in Milala. They have high hopes!

We say goodbye to Milala and travel to Mzimba. Our car needs some repair. Wanangwa, Esther and I do some shopping while the car is at the mechanic. We meet up with Cecilia one of our students from 2018 who is a prison guard. She also helps to teach the women inmates. It is a joyous reunion,
Lunch at the Take-Out
We eat lunch at a local take-out and visit with our friends. After lunch Lawrence waits at the restaurant while we finish our shopping.

Esther finds a beautiful piece of material for a dress and a black skirt. I purchase mosquito nets and water. We go back to the restaurant to wait and I realize my mosquito nets are missing. Retracing our steps we find the shop keeper has held the nets for us! I am happy. We head back once again to the restaurant and find the car is still not ready.
Mbwenu decides he will wait with the car while Bless will transport us home. We ride with three other passengers who question us about staying in the village. They wanted to know if we find it hard. It certainly is not what we are accustomed to at home, but I am loving it all the same. I have never experienced any greater hospitality and I have certainly experienced some great hospitality. I am thrilled to be a part of such a Christian community all over the world I am just at home!
Esther, Lawrence and I take on the task of doing our laundry by hand. Soon it is on the line and drying. After a while a rainstorm blows in and we make a mad dash to retrieve the laundry and drape it all over the house.
In the evening Mbwenu and I talk about childbirth practices and the maternal mortality rate in Malawi. I would love to do something to improve this situation. I feel so helpless at times.
We have had a very full day, a wonderful day!