Malawi Journal – Day 7 – Our First Sunday

Our First Sunday at Tombolombo

Today is a very exciting day. This is our first Sunday with the Tombolombo church. Because of the heavy rains service is a bit later than usual. Today is a special Sunday because several of the area churches will be with us today.

Tombolombo Church has been central to the church in this area and helped to train preachers and start area churches. They have made it a practice to assemble together about once a month.

When we arrive Bible class is in progress. The children head outside for class and the youth stay with the adults. After class, we get ready for our regular assembly. Esther and I are sitting with the ladies and soon they call for us to come and sit with Lawrence upfront. We would rather blend in with the other ladies but alas we move near the front.


We have announcements and there is a chalkboard with the order and who will lead each part. The beautiful singing begins which always thrills me. Lawrence is preaching! Then we have communion which is about the same length as Lawrence’s lesson on I John. Today the church is using the new communion set. The bread looks like small marble shapes. Did the bakery ladies make it? I’m not sure but I think it is clever. For the juice, we use soaked raisins.

Welcoming After Church

After we conclude the service there is an official welcome for us with speeches. One of the leaders mentions that we have brought gifts for everyone. I get nervous, then he explains it is the communion set. I feel relieved.

Group Photo

They announced for us to all go outside for a group photo. After the photo, I saw Lawrence sitting on a bench studying the Bible with someone. I prayed with an elderly lady who has a hurt knee. The church is helping her get the medical attention she needs.

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Group Photo
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Group Photo


While we were outside I turn around to see Glory, one of the tutorial teachers. I first met her in 2018. Last year we brought her school supplies and soccer balls and snacks the first year. We ran into her at the market yesterday and were thrilled to see her at church this morning. She brought us fresh corn from her garden.

Potluck Malawi Style

Soon we were called to eat. The custom is to serve us separately. I would like to understand this better. I would prefer to be served with everyone else. The food was good and then we had more visiting.

Esther is Playing Games with the Kids

Esther was playing games with the kids. She was doing duck, duck, goose when I saw her. She stayed with the youth to play some other games and a group of young people walked her home later. Then they took her to visit some neighbors.

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Esther playing with the kids

Our host Mbwenu has not been feeling well. He has the symptoms of malaria with headache and joint pain. I was thankful I brought extra bottles of Ibuprofen to share. Something I take for granted. The pain reliever gave him a little relief.  He and his wife make a trip this afternoon to the health clinic. It is not malaria but the doctors are able to help him. They gave him two shots and some oral antibiotics. We hope he will be feeling better soon.


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Glory gives me corn she grew!
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Lawrence and one of the brothers at the church.

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