This morning we got up and did our usual morning routine of washing last night’s dishes (too dark at night to wash) and heating water for our bath.
Finding an Old Friend
Today we went to Mzimba to pick up our package of WBS lessons from Davis Sauka. Our package has not arrived. While I was standing in line a familiar face walked in. It was Jackson one of the guards at the prison. We greeted him warmly. He was surprised I remembered his name. In 2018 and 19 we worked with him when we taught at the Mzimba prison. Jackson was waiting for his new suit to arrive. I assume it is a uniform.
Jackson walked to the car with us to greet Lawrence. He said it would be a blessing if we would come to the prison. They are not currently letting ministers come into the prison because of Covid. He also expressed his desire to have a Bible. I told him I would make that happen. He asked if that was a promise.
Grocery Shopping
Our next item on the list was shopping. We shopped at Big Mart where we buy grocery items and Hasam Investments where I purchase meat. They have very lean ground beef. The shopkeeper is always happy to see us. Wanangwa is a regular customer and now I am too.
Boss Fisheries
We stop at the Boss Fisheries store to buy Chambo. This time we get a bit larger fish. The fish here always comes with the head.
Chitenge Fabric!
I love the local chitenge fabric that the ladies wear. I found out that David Whitehead has a branch in Mzimba so I make a stop there. As we were pulling in to park a car backed into our car and dented our fender. It makes me so sad. Mbwenu said he let the person go because he too may be in that situation one day. I enter the store and see large stacks of fabric. There are many familiar pieces. The main difference is that they offer larger pieces than the other places I have purchased fabric. The prices seem a bit high but still good for American prices. I bought 3 – 6 meter pieces for 24,300 K.

Hit By a Bicycle
When I came out of the store the car was gone. Mbwenu was waiting. He pointed at a big delivery truck. As we walked down the road to the car a bicycle drove by very fast and hit my elbow very hard. I didn’t fall down but my elbow was hurting and bleeding. I soon got the bleeding stopped. The cut was small but the elbow felt very bruised. The bicycle was probably going 30 miles per hour. It could definitely be much worse.
Cooking Dinner
Esther and I cook dinner when we get home. The stove is a propane gas one with two burners. For dinner, we fix meat sauce with onions, tomatoes, and peppers to go over our rice or pumpkin. We have a cucumber and onion salad in vinegar and pineapple for dessert. I always cook too much so there are always leftovers. After dinner, we manage to get the dishes washed before bedtime.
Thanks Carole it is almost healed. I was shocked and even more so when I realized I didn’t fall or get hurt worse. Plus he didn’t stop! Everyone here knows I love the chitenge fabric! I definitely have a weak spot for it. I bring some back every year and share with others. Thanks for reading my blog.
Wow. How is your elbow? You could have been killed hit at that speed. Your blog is wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us. The fabric is amazing. Of course fabric is a weakness of mine.