Malawi Journal – Day 17- Baby Blankets, No-Bake Cookies, and Shopping

Ladies’ Class

Today I taught ladies’ class, 13 ladies, 1 baby. I taught them Ten Lessons on Honor from Romans 12, one of my favorite chapters. Romans 12 has a lot to say about how to treat one another. There were a lot of discussions afterward. Especially, questions about repaying evil with good.

Some ladies mentioned they cannot read and how this is helping them to understand the scriptures as if they were reading them for themselves. It’s. humbling.

These sweet sisters were also concerned for their sisters who are not receiving this teaching or understanding these scriptures. We talked about our example and sharing with their sisters what they are learning.

No-Bake Cookies

After the class was over I gave them a no-bake cookie. They really like these. I told them I was teaching Wanangwa how to make them and they teased they were not sure they could trust her to teach them.

Baby Blankets and Hats

When all our discussions were over we took out the baby blankets and hats and discussed the best way we as a group could use these for God. It was decided that most of them should go to the local maternity clinic. We will make little cards with a scripture on them and the church name. Four ladies will go to distribute these to the new moms. During our discussion, I found out that at least one lady can crochet. I have seen yarn in several shops but so far not the needles needed. I am excited to try to get crochet needles for these ladies to crochet.

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Baby packs
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Blankets made by my mom and hats by the women at Woodson Chapel Church of Christ
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Baby packs

We said our goodbyes and went home for lunch.  Wanangwa had a driving lesson and drove us home. The roads are not great but the rain has made them worse. Frequently, cattle are on the road.

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Cattle in the Road
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Muddy Roads
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Shopping Day

After lunch, we went shopping in Mzimba. I am out of kwacha so I exchanged money. We had so much fun shopping together. Wanangwa ran into a friend of hers who wanted to know where I was from. When I answered Tombolombo there was an uproar of laughter.

How Much Beef?

I have been wanting to make chili for the family. In one of the shops, I found ground beef and told them I wanted to 2. I meant pounds but they thought kilograms. That was a lot of beef!! We had enough beef for four meals and that was being very generous with the meat.

Local Farmers

The local farmer area of the market is one of my favorites so we went there. I bought some beans to go in the chili. We also purchased some tomatoes, onions, and peppers from a sister. Then we found some fresh green peas and bought some of them too.  I was offered some things which look like bugs. They are roasted. They really wanted me to taste them. Wanangwa said they eat them on sandwiches and like them but she told me not to eat them.

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On this shopping trip, I found some cool square containers for school supplies and a basket with handles which I put on my head and caused a lot of laughter.

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My little basket

When we got home it was too late to cook the beans so I made a spicy meat sauce to go over rice and pumpkin for our dinner tonight. We also had bananas and fresh pineapple. Everyone liked it.

2 Replies to “Malawi Journal – Day 17- Baby Blankets, No-Bake Cookies, and Shopping”

    1. Thank you! I am loving this journey. I am really making a great effort to be consistent. Thank you for reading along with us and getting us involved with this work! Love you!

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