Welcome Signs
Do you have a Welcome sign? One of those cute new fads the porch leaner that has WELCOME on it maybe a sunflower or some other cute decoration. Do you have scripture printed on cute little plaques on your porch or scripture stones in your garden?
I’ve seen these popping up all over my neighborhood and I have begun to notice them more everywhere I go. What does it mean to you? What does WELCOME really mean? Is it just a cute decoration? A nice sign to put on your porch or is it something from your heart? Who are you welcoming to your home? Friends? Family? What about strangers? Lost people? What about door to door salesman? What about Census workers? How far does your WELCOME extend?
Can you spare any kindness today? Does your response to the unexpected knock at your door show the kind of person you are? When you hear a knock do you immediately assume it is an unwelcome intrusion you don’t want to be bothered with? Or do you open the door with a smile? Regardless of who knocks at your door, you can give them a friendly greeting. It might make a bigger difference in the world than you can imagine.
Scripture and Yard Signs
Do you have one of those JESUS the Way, the Truth, the Life yard signs? Or scripture plaques? Are they meant to be a reflection of your heart? Is this a true message you are hoping to share with the world? When I approach a door and see Jesus signs, scriptures, or a welcome sign I make some assumptions. My first thought is someone believes in Jesus! I expect a friendly response from a house that has such a display. Instead, it seems people have forgotten what they are displaying in front of their houses.
Your Response
I have been admiring these signs for a while but after noticing the response of people it made me pause and consider. Am I am ready to display a WELCOME by my door? How do my responses reflect my true heart?
It really doesn’t matter why someone is at your door you still have an opportunity to be a blessing right from your own front porch. Regardless of your interest in what the person is there for you can respond in a kind way. You will feel better and they will too. Kindness and smiles are never wasted.

My friend Lori Morse Winslow has a beautiful heart and she can help you make some beautiful items and this is just one of them! Check them out here.