Sunday Morning Rush
The story of a single hug and it’s importance. You may not know how powerful and important a single hug can be. Today I want to share with you a little story of a single hug and it’s importance. Here is my story.
Rushing around I make sure everyone is getting ready to go. We wake up early to get everyone ready for church. I hate being late so I try to prepare as much as I can the night before. The kids choose their clothes the night before including shoes which you know can disappear at a moment’s notice. Missing shoes (or keys) can send my attitude into a downward spiral and make everyone miserable. I try to avoid that! Anyway, back to the story.
Breakfast in the Van
We are rushing around dressing children and getting shoes on and hair brushed. This can take a bit of doing when you have 8 or 9 or 11 children. The van is full of children and I count to make sure we haven’t missed anyone. On Sunday mornings we skip breakfast and eat Little Debbie granola bars in the van on the way to the church building. We arrive a few minutes early and I remind the little ones to use the restroom BEFORE church. The children make their rounds greeting everyone but especially the older ladies. Grandma Lark is a favorite. She is a tiny little lady with a big smile and a happy personality.
A Single Hug
While the kids are passing out hugs and giving smiles, I stop and talk with Goldie, a widow, about her week. “Everyone needs 5 hugs a day”, I tell her as I give her a hug. Her next words stay with me forever. That’s the first hug I’ve had since my husband died. This breaks my heart and stays in my mind for years. I am sure she is not the only one. I give out more hugs now.
Research of Touch
Dr. Tiffany Field has researched physical touch for four decades and has concluded that touch promotes better health, mental and physical. She saw an increase in the natural killer cells that kill viral and bacteria cells in those with more physical touch. The study also found children are physically and verbally stronger and less aggressive when they have the physical touch. Even premature babies gain weight better and go home earlier when they have the physical touch. Physical touch is healing.
From the time we are in the womb through our elderly years, touch plays a primary role in our development and physical and mental well-being. New studies on touch continue to show the importance of physical contact in early development, communication, personal relationships, and fighting disease. Dr. Tiffany Field
Human touch is so vital to our well being. The practice of sharing a smile and a hug will enrich your life! Covid 19 has put a damper on this for sure. Instead of mourning one more thing we have lost I challenge you to put down your phone and computer and give attention to those in your path. Smile, pat a shoulder and for sure hug those in your house for the health of it, for the joy of it, and the love of it.

For further study:
Read this good article about Why Physical Touch Matters by following the link below.