We are in California visiting our family. We’ve had a fun few days. My sister-in-law recommended we go to Point Reyes National Seashore. We are so glad she did.
It was a beautiful day driving curving roads through farms and ranches and small communities. The sky was so very blue.
Bird Sanctuary
It was just a beautiful day. We saw a lot of deer and many birds on the way to the park. Did you know that over 490 different types of birds can be found here? Over 54% of all North American bird species can be found at Point Reyes. Migrating birds find it a great place to stop.
Market Day at Point Reyes Station
On the way to the seashore we stopped at Point Reyes Station. A cute town and it just happened to be Market Day. I grabbed some locally blended organic tea, Earl Grey lavender, locally made toffee, and a couple of gifts. Then we got back in the car.

Sand Dunes
The drive up the road passed through some sand dunes and dairy farms. We parked and walked to one overlook. We could see way down the coastline and deer grazing in the brush. Smelling the air was refreshing, it was so clean and clear.
Point Reyes Visitor Center
I decided to walk the half mile to the visitor center and lighthouse while the guys stayed at the lower overlook. I am a bit partial to lighthouses. Over 43 years ago I said yes to marrying Lawrence at the Umpqua Lighthouse in Oregon. I have always loved lighthouses.
It was a beautiful walk and there were a lot of people coming and going to the lighthouse. When I arrived I realized there was handicap parking available near the visitor center. I looked around the visitor center and talked with the park ranger. She said I could bring the car up so that Lawrence could enjoy the view. I looked from the top at the lighthouse below. There are 303 steps to the lighthouse. The walk up and down is equal to climbing a 30 floor building. I decided to wait.
After talking with the ranger I was excited to tell Lawrence and Daniel we could drive up. I tried to call the guys but they did not hear the call. Admiring the beautiful ocean blue a bit more before I walked the half mile back to the parking lot. I found the guys and told them the news. We opened the gate and drove through. Then we all got to enjoy the view together.

303 Steps
Down the 303 steps to the lighthouse looked a bit steep but I went. I could see whales out in the water! I was so excited. There were also some interesting birds that sort of skim the water as they take flight. They were fun to watch. More deer and some wildflowers to admire. There was a skeleton of the jaws of a whale. Lawrence and Daniel walked to the top overlooking the lighthouse. They hung around there while I walked slowly and carefully down.

The lighthouse was built in 1870. It was not an easy walk down. My legs were really feeling it but not nearly as bad as going back up the hill! My legs felt rubbery and a bit shaky and I was out of breath. I finally made it to the top after visiting the rest stops they had built along the way.
We walked toward our car and got the binoculars out and watched some more whales blowing before we proceeded back toward home.
Our fuel gauge said we should have gotten fuel. We made it back to Point Reyes Station and got fuel. We also saw a Native Group doing a dance while we were fueling up.

On our way home we stopped at Costco and got a few things. We decided to have Chicken Masala and lemon rice for dinner.

Fresh Lemons
Home! We started preparation for dinner and realized we needed lemons. We took a walk to the fire station where there is a lemon tree and picked a couple of huge lemons for the rice. Back home we finished cooking dinner and zesting our lemons. John Mark arrived and got in on the zesting. We had a scrumptious dinner together.
We had a nice day!