Day 9
Mwauka Makora, Good Morning!
Today Lawrence met with the elders of the Tombolombo church about World Bible School work. Together they are working on a plan of outreach using the World Bible School lessons. * They will oversee this work and four workers who are working short term.
World Bible School
The elders selected four men they knew who would be good. Then asked them if they were interested in training to do this. The men said this is what the Tombolombo church is all about Bible study. Initially, they have chosen a 3-5 meter square area to work. They are talking with their neighbors about Bible study and offering the World Bible School lessons as one way to study the Bible and English.
Lawrence has been a World Bible School teacher as well as his mother for several years now. They receive their lessons as pdf files by email and grade them and return the lessons to the local study helper who answers any questions or helps with understanding English or the Bible.
They had a great meeting and came up with a working plan and closed with prayer.
In the afternoon one of the young men, Isaiah, who works with the youth came by with Bible questions. He is a very serious student of the Bible. He and Lawrence sat down and studied. They had a great time looking at the scriptures.
In the evening I shared pictures from our previous trips to Malawi.
Day 10
Today Esther and I walk to the building to teach the ladies at Tombolombo. Esther takes the teen girls and they have their Bible study and then play games for a while after class.

We study The Power of Our Words. They assured me we all have the same struggles. We had a great time looking at the scriptures in English and in Tumbuka. We talk about next week’s study and then close with a prayer.

Gertrude, one of the ladies in the class wants us to stop by her house on the way home. She has a grandson, Aaron, who is suffering seizures. At one time some American doctors came and treated her grandson and the seizures stopped. Now they cannot find the medicine in Malawi and they have lost the name of the medicine. He suffers from seizures every day. He has scars on his arms and legs from injuries he has suffered. We pray. I have encountered some sad things in this community and some amazing people.
I Drove
This afternoon I drove the car to Manyamula to do some shopping. The kids along the way always get excited when we go by but today they got really excited to see me driving the car.
We did some shopping in this small shopping area. One farmer came by with eggplant. Wanangwa asked me if I knew how to cook them and I told her yes. We bought a few eggplants and headed home to prepare dinner. I enjoyed sitting on the mat shelling beans for dinner.

Most of our evenings end with songs. Mbwenu, our host is marking all the ones that we both know. This reminds me of so many friends and singings over the years.
*If you don’t know about World Bible School or would like to study the Bible this way message me at