Feeling Gratitude for Life


Gratitude Gratitude


My Clean Car

Feeling gratitude for life. Last week I was on my way home from my latest trip to Malawi. https://www.facebook.com/reddingmissions I met up with our small team and flew out of the Columbus, Ohio Airport. My friends met me with my car at the airport. They had cleaned and fueled my car. My car hadn’t looked that good in a long time. My small town in Kentucky doesn’t have a carwash so I was thrilled to see my car so clean.

The trip to Malawi was wonderful and so many great things are happening as this work continues to grow. God is just amazing. Check out the Redding Mission Trips Facebook page to see how you can get involved.


I feel such gratitude that God has blessed us with this work in our empty nest years. I was excited to get home and share with my husband so many things that happened on the trip and plans for the future.

With my Diet Coke in hand I turned on my current audio book and headed home. I am thankful I was able to sleep on the plane and felt rested.

I was traveling I-71 South. About half way home my car made a terrible right jerk and I hit the guardrail. Something broke under the car and the whole wheel, tire and some part flew off into the median. All I could see was a white cloud. My car came to a stop on the edge of the left lane.

Two men (off duty firemen) blocked the road so that I would not get hit. They called 911 and checked on my mental and physical condition. Though I was a bit shaken I was not injured. They acknowledged the goodness of God.

I tried to call my husband but couldn’t reach him. I called someone from church who went and told him to call me. Soon he was on his way.

It took a while but the Sheriff’s. car showed up soon and made the report. He also took me down the road to wait for my husband.

I feel so much gratitude to God for the fact that I escaped without injury except for a little scratch on my hand. Thank you Lord for life. I am thankful for my life, thankful my wheel didn’t land in the other lane, and thankful no other car or person was involved.