May 2017 – Reda

Lawrence and Reda

Lawrence and Reda engagement. This is the photo we sent to our parents. They had NEVER met our future mates.

When I transferred to Freed-Hardeman College January of 1979 one of the first people I met was Lawrence. He was my first date at the school and then he waited a long time to ask me out again! I got to know him through shared classes, devotionals and trying to match make him with several friends and family members. I thought he was such a wonderful guy! I still think so too!

Lawrence and I both shared an interest in mission work and still do! We were part of a group called Campaigns Northwest. In 1980 we traveled to the northwestern part of the United States to work with small churches. These works had been pre-arranged with the churches by Obert and Juanita Henderson. During our preparation meetings, camps, and travel to our locations, we spent a lot of time together. I remember taking a hike in Colorado and realizing he was for me! We were both to work with a small congregation on the Oregon coast. Ranch Road Church of Christ in Reedsport, Oregon. It was during our time serving this church that Mt. Saint Helens erupted in Washington state on May 18, 1980, and Lawrence asked me to marry him! That was 37 years ago! We completed our time with that congregation and went home and got married. And now you know a little more of our story.


Annual Fish Fry

 The Smyrna Church of Christ held the Annual Fish Fry yesterday. (and I almost missed it! Thanks to Val for the reminder!) This has been going on for many years. It is a fun time and everyone brings friends and family to this event. The fish and hush puppies are provided and the rest of us bring sides and desserts. I made my GIANT pan of Blueberry Crunch Pie. I received this recipe from a lady at the Adamsville Church of Christ just before I got married almost 37 years ago. If you have eaten at my house chances are good that you have tried this dessert. Earlier this year I tried a lemon version. You can find that one here:   http://www.redaredding.com/lemon-crunch-pie/


PHOTOS: The top picture is a part of the group lining up to fill their plates, under the blue tents are the fish cooks! Esther wanted to take a picture of me holding my blueberry crunch pie for some reason, so I humored her this time! The bottom picture is my 1/2 sheet size blueberry crunch pie!

Blueberry Crunch Pie  12 X18 size


2 ⅔ cup self-rising flour

2 cup nuts (pecans preferred but walnuts are fine too) divided – reserve 1/4-1/2 cup to garnish

2 sticks butter or margarine softened

22 oz cream cheese

1 lb. powdered sugar

2 cans blueberry pie filling (or make your own)

Whip topping 16 oz. – 24 oz. I like a lot!

nuts to garnish

Layer 1  Combine flour, nuts, and margarine

               Press into 18X2 pan, bake until lightly browned

               about 15 minutes at 350°


Layer 2  Combine cream cheese and powdered sugar and fold in some

               whipped topping at least 8 oz. or a little more. Sorry I

               don’t measure it 🙂

               Spread gently on the cooled crust

Layer 3    Spread 2 cans blueberry pie filling

                evenly over layer 2

Layer 4    Spread with whipped topping

Layer 5    Sprinkle with nuts.

Refrigerate until you are ready to serve. This will make 54 small servings (2-inch squares). Most of my family will eat a larger serving! So maybe only 30 Redding size servings.

Asian Turkey Bowl

Asian Turkey Bowl

In 1981 my husband and I went on a mission trip to Singapore and Malaysia, with a group of students and faculty from Freed-Hardeman College. It was an amazing trip! I developed a great love for the Asian and the many Indian people we met as well as their food. I have cooked a lot through the years but I haven’t cooked a lot of Asian dishes. Lately, I have really been trying to develop my skills with Asian-influenced recipes. With the exception of stir fry and sweet and sour I have only enjoyed this type of food on date night with my husband! I do not have a wok either (YET) so I used my iron skillet for this one and it worked pretty well.


1-2 teaspoons of dehydrated ginger (or fresh to taste)

1-2 Tablespoons of sesame oil

1 cup chopped green onions

1 ¼ lbs. ground turkey

4 Tablespoons chili sauce with garlic

4 Tablespoons hoisin sauce

1 Tablespoons soy sauce

1 Tablespoons rice vinegar

1 steam in bag frozen broccoli or fresh

1 cup of grains ( I used Organic Sprouted Blend of brown rice, quinoa, millet by Nature’s Earthly Choice) cooked as directed


Put the broccoli in the microwave to steam. Add the sesame oil to your skillet. Saute your onions 1 minute and add your turkey and cook until it is no longer pink. Add your ginger, hoisin sauce, chili sauce with garlic and cook a bit until the sauce thickens and then stir in the soy sauce, vinegar, broccoli and grains and serve. You may serve the turkey mixture on top of the grains if you prefer. I like mine mixed. Serve in bowls with more soy sauce! This is a quick and easy meal.

CREDIT: This recipe is my tweaked version of Publix recipe, Asian Turkey and Green Bean Saute.


I have a little favor to ask today?

Do you have any questions for me? Years ago when my older boys were teens they had their own magazine – Redding Magazine. Some of you may have heard of it – it was world famous (well not exactly but nationally maybe). The boys wrote about many topics and it even featured columns by both grandmas and I had my own column! For my column, people submitted questions and I would answer them. It was fun and interesting especially for me. I did get a lot of questions everywhere I went. Probably because a 5-foot tall woman running around everywhere with a van load of kids was a spectacle. I was asked if I was a school, daycare, boy scout troop! So here is your opportunity. You may ask your question in the comment box or you may send it privately to redaredding@gmail.com. I will choose some questions to answer, just for the fun of it! If you do not wish your name to be published let me know. Thanks!

And the WINNER is…


Shana Mosby is the WINNER of my favorite can opener!

Congratulations Shana! 

Thanks to all who entered the contest by signing up for my blog posts and sharing my articles.




An Interview with Sarah from China!

Happy Birthday, Sarah!  In honor of Sarah’s birthday, I thought it might be nice to ask her a few questions about her experience in China (so far).

Here are the questions and her responses.

What do you miss the most? Family and friends

What do you wish you had taken with you? More towels because all the towels are very small and strange here.

What do you like the best about teaching English in China? The students and how friendly everyone is.

What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about the Chinese people? Chinese people really care about social status. Also, babies poop in the street until they are seven.

What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about yourself on this trip? I am more Chinese than American. haha.

What makes you happy there? My husband and teaching a really good lesson.

What makes you sad? Not having many women to talk to. Also, how discarded some people are from society. Like the street sweepers.

What is your favorite food so far?Jiaozi or pot stickers.

What size are your classes? 20-25 students

What age are your students? 18-21 although I have one business English class with older men.

What do you want to bring home with you?A fan, a Chinese dress, and nunchucks

What do you enjoy the most? We enjoy going out to the track at about 8:30 pm and running with the community and practicing nunchucks, playing Kungfu or TaiChi, and doing acrobats. The community is wonderful here. The nightlife is especially interesting.

What has made you say WOW? Children walking across busy traffic by themselves and masterfully navigating through the cars is pretty amazing. They are much more brave and skilled than I.

If you have questions you would like answers to leave them in the comment box below and I will see what I can do!

If you would like you can send her birthday wishes at sarahnseth@yahoo.com or leave a comment on here as she is able to read this blog.

Also, remember to share one of my blog posts today or sign up to receive notifications when I make a new post. You will be entered into a drawing to take place in TWO days for the BEST CAN OPENER!!!

Sarah and Seth

Tiffany’s Birthday Creations

Tiffany’s Birthday Creations and Pineapple Upside Down Cake

My daughter-in-law Tiffany does make some beautiful creations for special days! She made the Minion cupcake and the pineapple flower cupcakes. Here is the link to how she made the pineapple flowers.


I made the upside down cake tweaked from a recipe Esther sent me for banana upside down cake. She and I discussed it and decided to add some dried coconut, pineapples, and cherries. I was surprised to find out the bananas remained firm. For the cake, I used a recipe from the old Joy of Cooking cookbook I grew up with. I baked the cake in my iron skillet. This cake definitely took me back to my childhood! It tasted just like it did in the 60’s.

Skillet or Upside-Down Cake


20 oz. can pineapple slices

Maraschino Cherries (small jar)

1/2 cup coconut ( I used dried unsweetened)

1 firm banana

1 stick butter +

1 cup brown sugar


1 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

4 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring

1 Tablespoon melted butter

1 cup granulated sugar


In a 9 or 10-inch skillet melt 1/2 cup butter, add 1 cup of packed brown sugar and cook gently until dissolved.

Place the slices of pineapple over the butter mixture. Place a cherry in the middle of each pineapple. Around the edge of the cake put a small slice of banana in between the pineapple and in the middle. Sprinkle it all with the coconut.  Set aside and mix the cake in a separate bowl. Beat the eggs, sugar, melted 1 Tablespoon butter, and the vanilla flavoring. Add the flour on top of that and then gently stir the baking powder into the flour and then mixed it gently until smooth. Pour the cake mixture on top and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and reverse the cake onto the serving plate. Let the skillet remain on top briefly for the brown sugar mixture to coat the cake. Remove the pan and serve.

One of the very positive things about Pineapple Upside Down Cake is that it is very quick to make. I made this because Esther requested it and it was good. However, I prefer the regular cake with the pineapples and cherries!

Interviews with Ember and Esther

Ember  (7) and Esther (14) have had birthdays in the last few days. I wanted to share their answers to a few questions I asked. 

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Esther -Midwife

Ember – Policewoman

What is your favorite thing to study?

Esther – Biology

Ember- Math

What is your favorite book?

Esther – Ten Kids and No Pets

Ember – Corduroy

What is your favorite color?

Esther – Dark Royal Blue

Ember – Teal

What is your favorite food?

Esther – Shrimp

Ember – Masala Chicken

What is your favorite dessert?

Esther – Coconut gelato

Ember – Ice Cream (Cherry)

What is your favorite game to play?

Esther – Catan

Ember – Solitaire

What do you want when you feel bad?

Esther – Give me a hug

Ember – Leave me alone

What is your favorite pet?

Esther – I would more likely want a cat than a dog.

Ember – Cat

What is your favorite thing to do with the family?

Esther – When we are all together like on holidays – games and singing and stuff. When it is just the girls – funny movies or tell funny stories

Ember – Go to the YMCA

What kind of clothes do you like best?

Esther – Classy

Ember – Shorts and T-shirts

What makes you sad?

Esther – People that are hard to help. Like if they are sick or in a bad situation.

Ember – Sad movies

What makes you happy?

Esther – When I get answers to something I didn’t know. Or when I know what to do in a situation that I didn’t know what to do before.

Ember – Birthday Parties

If you could go anywhere – Where would it be?

Esther – New York City, Africa, Switzerland, Paris, France, Egypt, Jerusalem, Middle of the Ocean and Greece, +

Ember – Eiffel Tower


I Have the BEST Can Opener! Contest too!

For years I thought that someone needed to invent a better can opener. I have endured a lot of frustrations with can openers. Can openers that have all kinds of issues from partially opening the cans to leaving chewed up pieces of metal in my food. There is also the issue of what it does to my hands and wrists. I have tried can openers that operate from the top of the can and leave no sharp edges to can openers that remove the lid for you. I was still not satisfied.

Did I need a heavy duty can opener or higher quality? So I bought a more expensive one. Did I clean it properly? I researched how to clean a can opener. Did you know you are really NOT supposed to wash can openers according to some sources? Others suggest soaking the can opener in vinegar water all night. For a while, I thought maybe it was my fault that I have so much trouble with can openers! I have been UNHAPPY with can openers.

I suggested to my kids that they invent a better can opener. They’ve invented a lot of things through the years so why not a can opener? I told them they could make a lot of money if they invented one that worked! So far they have not taken me up on the offer.

I have come to realize that I am not the only one in the world who has frustrations with can openers. Recently an acquaintance brought up the subject on Facebook. He too has a large family and he has gone through numerous can openers in his quest. The problem has become frustrating and expensive. He asked for recommendations. There were a lot of responses to his problem with can openers and many sympathizers.

Several years ago I walked into a restaurant supply store in Olympia, Washington and saw a new style can opener. I wasn’t shopping for can openers but I decided to give this one a try. It looked different than the others I had tried, in that it had a longer arm. I found out that it is easier on the wrist too. I love it and I have shared it with others who also love it! I have been using it successfully for several years now and it is still going strong. This is a record for me! I recently found it again online and ordered some for gifts and to share with my family and friends.

So drum rolls, please…….. My all time favorite can opener is the Swing-A-Way Easy Crank Can Opener. And this month I am going to give one away. Everyone who shares this blog post or signs up on my blog to receive updates will get an entry into the contest. If you choose to do both you will receive two entries! I will run this contest for 14 days since my Esther is 14 today! Have fun!